标签: using

3 篇文章

PostgreSQL 提示 The database was created using collation version 2.31, but the operating system provides version 2.36
该问题是数据库更新后排序规则变动导致的。使用下面的命令更新更新排序规则库 ``` ALTER DATABASE <your-database-name> REFRESH COLLATION VERSION; ``` 参考资料: https://forum.greenbone.net/t/the-database-was-created-using-collation-version-2-35-but-the-operating-system-provides-version-2-36/13562/3 https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/324649/collation-version-mismatch
Dnsmasq – PXE boot using Netboot.xyz
from--https://forum.openwrt.org/t/dnsmasq-pxe-boot-using-netboot-xyz/56075   Installing and Using OpenWrtNetwork and Wireless Configuration Feb 2020 1 / 4 Feb 2020 Jun 2022 seegee 1 Feb '20 I'm trying to set configure dnsmasq to point dhcp clients to a PXE server running on another machine. Specifically, the PXE server is running Netboot.xyz as a container within dock…
Expected Android API level 21+ but was 19 while using Retrofit 2, OkHttp3
from--https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58679774/expected-android-api-level-21-but-was-19-while-using-retrofit-2-okhttp3 Ask Question Asked 3 years, 10 months ago Modified 3 years, 6 months ago Viewed 7k times 2 I'm using Retrofit 2 and OkHttp3 to data from server and I get error while using Min_SDK 17 and my device's API is 17 also I tried this answer :How to fix Expect…