Hide CPU name/model in guests VMs
from--https://communities.vmware.com/t5/Horizon-Desktops-and-Apps/Hide-CPU-name-model-in-guests-VMs/td-p/883086 Hello, All components of a ESXi host are virtualized. You have a vNIC, VRAM and vCPU. For this last, however, the virtualisation is not "full". The name, model and frequency of CPU are shown in guest OS. The problem happens when you changed ESXi har…
Unable to boot VMs in VMWare Workstation with host running 19H1/20H1 Insider builds (X-post from Windows Insider forum)
from--https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/lync/en-US/032c2a62-333a-4795-a149-d66b85462801/unable-to-boot-vms-in-vmware-workstation-with-host-running-19h120h1-insider-builds-xpost-from?forum=win10itprovirt Archived Forums 881-900 > Windows 10 Virtualization Question 1 Sign in to vote Hi. Since early in the 19H1 builds VMWare Workstation has been unstable for m…